Athena Skin Hair & Dental Clinic

Removal of Moles, Warts & Skin-tags

Removal of Moles & Skin-tags on face

The removal of moles, warts, and skin tags is a medical or cosmetic procedure that involves the elimination of these common skin growths for various reasons, including aesthetics, discomfort, or health concerns.

Moles: Moles, also known as nevi, are typically benign (non-cancerous) skin growths that can vary in size, shape, and color. While most moles are harmless, some may need to be removed if they show signs of potential malignancy, such as changes in size, shape, color, or texture. Moles can be removed through various methods, including excision (cutting out the mole), shave excision (removing the raised part of the mole), or laser therapy.

  1. Warts: Warts are cause by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can appear on various parts of the body. They are typically harmless but can be unsightly and cause discomfort. Warts can be remove through several methods, including cryotherapy (freezing), electrosurgery (burning), laser therapy, or topical treatments.

  2. Skin Tags: Skin tags are small, soft, benign growths that typically occur in areas where the skin rubs against itself, such as the neck, underarms, or groin. While they are generally harmless, they can be bothersome or cosmetically undesirable. Skin tags can be remove through procedures like excision, cryotherapy, or electrocautery (burning).

causes for the removal of these skin growths

  1. Discomfort or Irritation: Moles, warts, and skin tags can sometimes become irritate or uncomfortable, particularly when they rub against clothing or jewelry. In such cases, removal can provide relief.

  2. Risk of Skin Cancer: Some moles may have atypical features, increasing the risk of skin cancer, such as melanoma. Medical professionals may recommend the removal of suspicious moles to reduce the risk of cancer development.

  3. Change in Size or Shape: If a mole undergoes changes in size, shape, color, or texture, it can be a sign of a potentially malignant transformation. In such cases, healthcare providers may advise removal and a biopsy to rule out skin cancer.

  4. Clothing or Grooming Interference: Skin growths, particularly in areas where they are prone to friction or where they interfere with grooming routines (like shaving), may be remove to simplify daily hygiene and prevent further complications.

  5. Embarrassment or Self-Esteem: For some individuals, the presence of moles, warts, or skin tags can lead to embarrassment or reduce self-esteem. Removing these growths can help boost self-confidence.

  6. Prevent Spread: Certain types of warts, like common warts (verruca vulgaris), are contagious. Removing them can prevent their spread to other areas of the body or to other people.

the removal process

  1. Preparation: The area around the skin lesion is clean and sterilize to reduce the risk of infection. The patient may also receive local anesthesia to numb the area and minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Removal Method: There are several methods for removing moles, warts, and skin tags, including:

    a. Excision: This method involves cutting out the lesion using a scalpel. It is commonly use for larger moles or those that might be cancerous. After excision, stitches may be require to close the wound.

    b. Shave Excision: For instances  raise moles or skin tags, a scalpel or razor-like instrument is use to shave off the lesion’s surface. Thus, Stitches are typically not need with this method.

    c. Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy involves freezing the lesion using liquid nitrogen. This method is suitable for smaller warts or skin tags.

    d. Electrocautery: Electrocautery uses an electric current to burn off the lesion. Therefore, It’s effective for small skin tags and warts.

    e. Laser Removal: Laser technology can be use to target and remove the lesion. Since, This is often employ for smaller, non-cancerous lesions.

  3. Post-Procedure Care: After the removal, the healthcare provider will provide instructions for wound care and healing. This may include keeping the area clean, applying ointment, and avoiding sun exposure.
  4. Pathological Examination: In some cases, particularly for moles that are suspicious for cancer, the remove tissue may be sent for pathological examination to confirm the diagnosis.

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